Saturday 14 May 2016

Syndicate Assembly and Week Two

On Friday we had our first syndicate assembly.  We had a special friend arrive to help us out, Sid from Ice Age!  Congratulations to Sienna and Bella for their certificates.

Student Voice:
We have been learning about the Sunnybrae values of respect, being helpful and independence. We have written stories and drawn a picture about what we can do this week. 
I can put on my shirt. Margarita
I can play on the playground. Sophia
I can paint a picture. Ismaiah
I can learn to write. Alea
I can make the necklace. Bella
I can put the book away on the book shelf. Sienna
I can play rugby. Jahzelle

Here we are helping each other complete a puzzle and working independently.

Teacher Voice: This week we had a special session with a hockey coach and this will be followed up with further lessons as part of our P.E programme.  The children also have a short fitness session most days where we practise gross motor skills such as hopping, skipping, side stepping, jumping and galloping. I can already see an improvement in the children's coordination of these skills.  If you have a spare few minutes, you might like to try these activities at home.

Please return and keep all reading resources in the children's book bag. I will collect the laminated story sheets each Thursday so that they can be used by the next child. Book bags need to come to school everyday.  Next week we will focus on the words go, we and to and the short letter sounds of a and e.

Oral Language task: Talk to your child about a place that they go to on a regular basis. If you have a photo of that place, they might like to bring that in to school this week.

Please watch our video that we made during our tour around the school
 and in our first week of school.

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